r What to Feed YourBunny ¨



In General arabbitŐs diet should be made up of fresh hay (timothy or orchard grass), water,good quality pellets, and fresh green leafy vegetables. Anything beyond thatis a treat and should be given in limited quantities. Dividing bunnyŐs foodinto two or more meals per day makes it easier to tell if he/she is not feelingwell and needs to see a vet.


Hay is essential to a rabbitŐs good health, providingroughage, which reduces the danger of hairballs and other blockages. Timothyhay has the best nutritional profile for rabbits; alfalfa is too high incalcium and protein, and is best considered a treat item. Good supplementalchoices, to provide some variety, are orchard grass, brome, and oat straw.


Pellets should be fresh, and relatively high in fiber (18%minimum fiber). Do not purchase more than 6 weeks worth of feed at a time, asit will become stale and possibly spoiled. Pellets should make up less of arabbitŐs diet as he or she grows into adulthood, and fresh hay should beavailable 24 hours a day. We recommend a good quality timothy hay based pellet,such as Oxbow Bunny Basics T. (www.oxbowhay.com)


When shopping for fresh food for your rabbit, include avariety of green leafy vegetables. Dandelion greens, parsley, cilantro, darkleaf lettuces such as romaine, and carrot tops are especially good for rabbits. Rinse and trim before offering to bunny. Stay away from green beans,mushrooms, potatoes, and rhubarb, and anything wilted, dirty, or spoiled.


Babies and Ňteenagers.Ó

Birth to 3 weeks Đ motherŐs milk

3 to 4 weeks Đ motherŐs milk, nibbles of whatever mom iseating- veggies, pellets, hay.

4 to 7 weeks Đ motherŐs milk, access to motherŐs food andunlimited pellets and hay.

7 weeks to 7 months Đ veggies, unlimited pellets, unlimitedhay.


Young Adults 7 months to 1 year

Unlimited grass (timothy, orchard) and oat hays. Decreasealfalfa, if you have been offering it.

Limit pellets to 1/2 cup per 6 lbs. body weight.

Increase daily vegetables to 2 cups per 6 lbs. body weight.

Fruit- no more than 1 to 2 oz. per 6 lbs of body weight.


Mature Adults: 1 to 5 years

Unlimited grass hay and oat straw, no alfalfa.

1/4 to 1/2 cups pellets per 6 lbs. body weight, depending onmetabolism.

Minimum 2 cups chopped vegetables per 6 lbs. body weight, 1to 2 oz. fruit.


Senior Rabbits (over 6 year)

If sufficient weight is maintained, continue adult diet.

Frail, older rabbits may need unrestricted pellets to keepweight up. Alfalfa can be given to underweight rabbits, but only if calciumlevels are normal. Annual blood workups are highly recommended for geriatricrabbits.


Contactus at: www.friendlyfarms.org or(831) 663-1413.

Our goal is for you and your rabbit to enjoy many happy years
